July Prayers, Decrees, and Declarations

So wake up, you living gateways!  Lift up your heads, you doorways of eternity!  Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you.

Psalm 24: 7

Manifest your kingdom realm, and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10

Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times.  Pray the blessings of God upon all believers.

Ephesians 6:18

Welcome to the new Multiply Concord Prayer Wall format!  We are so honored that you have chosen to join us in unified prayer for the needs of our County and our City.  The new format includes three aspects of communicating with God and through the power and authority given to us by God:  Prayer, Decrees, and Declarations.

For clarification the following definitions are available to assist you with this month’s Prayers:

1)  🙏 (Pray) – communing with God for His help, His favor and His provision. (Philippians 4:6)

2)  📖 (Decree) – firm command toward a situation that is in alignment with God’s Word and carries the same effect in the Spirit as a written law in the natural. (Job 22:28)

3)  🗣️ (Declare) – vocal announcement of something that has already been established, decreed, or promised by God.  Declaring allows us to establish things that are already made available in our lives, even if it’s not already present with our natural eyes. (Psalm 2:7)

As always, we encourage you to put on the full armor of God as you intercede on behalf of the Gates of Influence in our County and City.  Remember, the Glory of the Lord is your rear guard according to Isaiah 58:8.  We bless you as you step into God’s purpose in your life and pray He will return to you above and beyond for your obedience and sacrifice to pray.


7 Gates of Influence


🙏 God of peace, unite us in love by the truth of Your word. Father, who brought our Lord Jesus up from the dead by the blood of Your promises, equip us with every good thing so that we may do Your will. Great shepherd, help us to carry out what is pleasing before You, by the work You do in us. (Hebrews 13:20-21) Fill us with the fruit of righteousness that only comes through You, Jesus. All for the glory and praise of You. (Philippians 1:11)

📖 Your dwelling place, God, is with us. Take up residence with us. We are Your people, and You alone are our God. You will wipe away our tears, death will exist no longer, mourning and pain will cease to be. (Revelation 21:3-4)

🗣️ We wait for the day of Your return, when You, Yahweh, Lord of hosts, will become a garland of glory and  an everlasting crown of beauty to Your faithful people. On the day of restoration and eternal salvation, You will be a spirit of justice to the one sits in judgement and gives strength to those who drive the enemy back to their own ground. (Isaiah 28:5-6)



🙏 Yahweh, you are our God; we exalt you. We praise Your name. We ask that You bring justice to places of suffering. We ask that You save the poor, and shelter the needy. End the prideful reign of oppressors and the ruthless. Set for Your people a rich feast on Your holy mountain. Destroy death forever. Wipe tears from all faces. Remove the disgrace of Your people from all the earth. (Isaiah 25:1-8)

📖 Lord, You establish peace for us. You have done all of our work for us. (Isaiah 26:12) You have been our king from long ago, working salvation in the earth. You break chaos and crush evil. The deaf will hear Your words. The blind will step out of gloom and darkness. The meek will have joy after joy in You, Yahweh. The needy will rejoice in You, and the tyrant will be no more. All lying in wait for evil will be cut off.  (Isaiah 29:18-20)

🗣️ In You we are like a strong city. You have set up victory for us, Your people. We can count on Your peace because You are trustworthy. We will trust in You forever, God. You are an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26: 1-4)



🙏 Jesus, we ask that You fulfill Your will for us and through us as we live and work each day. Make the work of our hands reflect Your kingdom, and not the forces of chaos that govern this world. Let us worship You, the only Creator and King, with our work. Help us not to forget that we are working for You and Your kingdom, and not merely to please ourselves. In Your name Jesus, bind the temptations to glorify ourselves and lose ourselves in luxury. (Revelation 18:1-24) Keep us prepared for Your coming. Help us to remember that we are living as Your bride, dressed in the fine linen of our righteous deeds. We are awaiting our wedding celebration with You, Holy Lamb. (Revelation 19:6-8) 

📖 We decree faith in the day we see Your new heaven and new earth, prepared and adorned for us. We will see the end of evil and chaos. We will witness Your coming to take up residence with Your people, and will rejoice in Your coming to dwell with us. You will wipe away every tear. Death will exist no longer. Mourning and pain will pass away. (Revelation 21:1-4)

🗣️ Salvation and glory and power belong to You, God,  because Your judgments are true and right. (Revelation 19:1) You, Lord God, are all-powerful. You Lord God, reign above all. We will rejoice and be glad, and give You glory. (Revelation 19:6-8)



🙏 We ask that You would fill our hearts until they are full of love for You, God. Help us to choose what is good to You; to act in obedience to Your word and act with justice toward our family and community. Show us how to reflect Your steadfast love to ourselves and others. Give us hearts that love the mercy, compassion and kindness found only in You. Help us to live with care and thoughtfulness as we walk humbly with You, Lord. (Micah 6:8)

📖 Blessed are You, Jesus. Lord of all. We thank You for Your favor upon us. Through the poverty of Your spirit, our own helplessness, desperation, and brokenheartedness finds Your good news. You are restoring all things, and You are calling Your people home to the splendor of a new kingdom. Through Your suffering and mourning, we find our own suffering comforted. We wait expectantly for You and the completion of Your perfect kingdom. Through Your humble and gentle spirit, we, who do not seek gain for ourselves, will receive the wealth of the whole earth. Through Your righteousness, we, who hunger and thirst for Your ways, will have no lack. (Matthew 5:1-6)

🗣️ Your great mercy, Jesus, has caused up to be born again into a living hope. We are birthed by Your resurrection into an imperishable inheritance, one that is undefiled and unfading, reserved for us in heaven. We are protected by Your power, God, for a life everlasting in You. We rejoice in our faith in You, God, all the more valuable because of our testing and trials in this life. We declare inexpressible joy in You, Jesus. (1 Peter 1:3-8)



🙏 We praise You, Lord, for Your salvation. Help us to remember that it is Your kindness and love for us that saves us, not any righteous act on our part that ensures our way into heaven. We praise You for Your mercy. Wash us with Your Holy Spirit; regenerate and renew us in Your abundant outpouring. Let our hearts and mind be focused on our eternal inheritance that awaits us through Your name and grace, Jesus. (Titus 3:4-7)

📖 We decree thanks and praise to You, God, our salvation. We trust You now and forever. You are our strength and salvation. We will draw water from the wells of salvation in joy on the day of Your return. We call on Your name. We shout and sing for joy. Holy One, You are and will always be great in our midst. (Isaiah 12:1-6)

🗣️ We decree that we will see You make all things new. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty, You will freely give water from the spring of life. We who conquer through You, will inherit Your wealth. You will be our God, and we will be as Your Son. (Revelation 21:5-7)



🙏 Help us to live out our time here on earth no longer living for own desires, but for Your will, God. Help us to remember that our actions will not go unjudged and unnoticed by You, whether good or evil. Let us live in the Spirit, by Your standards. (1 Peter 4:1-6) Keep the focus of our lives on You, and keep our love for one another constant. Help us to choose to use the gifts You have given us for the benefit of those around us. In all that we say and do, be glorified God, through Jesus, to whom is the glory and power forever. (1 Peter 4:7-12)

📖 We decree that we will build ourselves up in holy faith. We will pray in the Holy Spirit. We will make Your love for us the center of our lives. We will look forward to the mercy of Your coming, Lord Jesus, and the setting right of all things through You. (Jude 1:17-24)

🗣 We will choose to desire the things that You desire Lord. We will forgo personal gain and selfishness, the desires of the world and its material culture, and embrace the love of You God, our Father. We declare that this world and its systems are passing away, but we who do Your will, God, will remain forever. (1 John 2:15-17)



🙏 Lord, help us to remember Your business interests: bringing joy to the oppressed, binding up the brokenhearted, liberating the captive and comforting those in mourning. We praise You for Your kingship that sets us free, and puts Your favor upon us. You have taken our ashes and given us a crown. You have taken our tears and given us joy. You have taken our fears and given us a garment of praise. (Isaiah 61:1-3) Make us oaks of righteousness, planted by You and established as symbols of Your holy glory. Help us to point worship to You. Restore the dry and deserted places, and bring life to generation after generation. (Isaiah 61:3-4)

📖 Through the fulfillment of Your promises, God, we decree that we will receive the wealth of the nations. Instead of our past share of shame and insult, we will receive a double portion of Your rewards. We will possess everlasting joy. (Isaiah 61:6-7)

🗣We sing the song of Moses and declare that Your works are great and marvelous. Lord God, All-Powerful, righteous and true are Your ways. King of the ages, all will fear and glorify Your name. Only You are holy. All the nations will come and worship before You because Your righteous deeds have been revealed. (Revelation 15:3-4)

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