It is our hope that you will feel right at home and encounter God’s amazing love for you! Let us go ahead and say “welcome home” for the first time.
Are There First Time Guest Resources?
When you join us for a weekly worship experience, you will be greeted by a highly trained and qualified group of Multipliers (volunteers) from our Hospitality Team. They will be ready and eager to welcome you with smiles and warmth, and ready to serve and assist you with anything you may need. We want to remove any distractions for you so that you can receive ALL that God has for you.
Where Do I Take My Kids?
Here at Multiply Church, we’re all about family. We have carefully crafted environments for children of all ages, from nursery to high school, that will make your kids want to keep coming to church. Drop your kids off and relax during our Sunday service, knowing your whole family gets the opportunity to encounter the presence of God. Find more information in our Kids and Youth blog!
Can You Tell Me More About the Service?
Our service begins with meaningful and contemporary praise by our worship band. We value worshipping corporately in a way that is immersive and spirit-led. After worship, experience dynamic and cerebral communication of God’s Word from our Senior Pastor, Dr. Douglas Witherup. Every sermon is crafted from God’s Word, is Holy Spirit inspired, and is designed to encourage and empower you with Biblical truth. Finally, in every Sunday service, we provide an opportunity to receive life transformation through salvation or a renewed commitment to Christ so you can become wide awake to the love of God and fully alive to your purpose.
What Is the Multiply Community Like?
At Multiply Church, we strongly encourage finding friendship and family through our Groups as well as World Changer opportunities! Multiply Groups gives people the ability to connect, no matter what their interests may be. We offer various support groups, study groups, activity groups, and home groups. We also encourage individuals to get involved in serving at Multiply through becoming a World Changer volunteer! There are plenty of ways to be involved in various teams such as hospitality, tech, medical, and security.
We are excited to have you with us – Welcome Home to the Multiply family!