About TOTally Kids

TOTally Kids is a morning day-out childcare program for children 6 months old to 6 years old.
We are striving to give parents or guardians an opportunity to place their kids in a safe,
Christian environment for a few hours so they can have time to run errands or have a coffee
date that is child-free. Launching TOTally Kids, we are going to offer Tuesday and Thursday
mornings 8:30 am-11:30 am check-out starting at 11:00 am. Each age group will have leaders
that follow a schedule full of fun play, activities, and a light snack that we provide. Each
morning is $25 per child.

Director of TOTally Kids, Kids Pastor Rachel

I am a wife, married for 17 years, and mom to four children, ages 16, 14, 12, and 10 years old. I was a Prek-4 Teacher at Concord Academy for 8 years and have been the Kids Ministry Director for Multiply Church Harrisburg since the fall of 2020, where I am currently the Kids Pastor. I love spending time with my family and friends, cooking, and playing golf.

I love children and partnering with parents in the community. As a mom, I know that having
options for childcare is important. While directing this program I view it from the lens of a mom, a seasoned teacher, and a director of a program. I want the best experience for
parents and children!

Craft Hour

On Wednesdays TOTally kids will offer a craft time where parents and children can come craft together for a small fee ($5.00-$10.00) per craft, per person.