Next Steps

At Multiply Church, if this is your first time, you are our VIP – very important person! It is our hope that you will feel right at home and encounter God’s amazing love for you! Let us go ahead and say “welcome home” for the first time.

Next Steps

We strongly encourage finding friendship and family through our Groups as well as World Changer opportunities! Multiply Groups gives people the ability to connect, no matter what their interests may be. We offer various support groups, study groups, activity groups, and home groups. We also encourage individuals to get involved in serving at Multiply through becoming a World Changer volunteer! There are plenty of ways to be involved in various teams such as hospitality, tech, medical, and security.

Step 1: LIFE

Welcome to the family of God.

We would love to be a part of your incredible journey. In order to fully connect with us, take a moment and fill out the form above. It is our prayer that you will experience the love and hope of Jesus.

Step 2: FAMILY

Find Family!

We want Every person to find a group-- to do something they love with people they love with people they love. There are all sorts of groups to help you get connected. Click on the link above and find your tribe today! If you have any questions, email us!



Volunteers are at the heart of all we do. Find your place to serve. We also take your purpose seriously and provide a growth track class that can help you discover your gifting. Hit the growth track link to find out more.